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Gkbix Latest Articles

Why the financial year starts in April and ends in March?

India was ruled by the Britishers(UK) for more than 150+ years. And in the United Kingdom(UK), the financial year starts from 1st April & 1st Jan. And therefore, the same concept may have been applied to India as well by ...

What is the meaning of four color dots in the newspaper?

Those colours are called CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black), the base colours for all colours used in printing. Basically, any colour can be obtained by using these in correct proportions.  The marker is also used to identify the density ...

Why do doctors wear white and lawyers black?

four color dots in the newspaper called CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black). These base colors are used in printing. Any color can be obtained by using correct proportions. The marker is also used to identify the density of colors ...

What happens to your body if you never eat fruit or vegetables?

Fruits and vegetables contain most of the minerals and vitamins, which the human body requires in order functioning well. For example vitamins c maintain the tissue health, vitamin A requires for vision and vitamin k for blood clotting. Therefore not ...

Why School bus painted yellow?

School bus painted yellow because yellow is a color that was specifically formulated for use on school buses in North America in the year 1939. Later it becomes known officially as a “National school bus chrome”. The yellow color was ...

Why LPG Cylinders are painted red?

LPG Cylinder is painted red because Red color is a sign of danger as LPG Cylinder is inflammable.

Common Sense Questions Is Egg vegetarian or non-vegetarian?

If we go by the definition of non-vegetarian then it states those who eat flesh are non-vegetarians, the egg is indeed vegetarian as it has no flesh or life. But Eggs come from chicken and they are not obtained by ...

Most Popular Internet Slangs | Common Text Abbreviations

► M/F – Are You Male or Female? ► GN – Good Night ► ASL – Tell me your Age,Sex and Location ► ASAP – As Soon As Possible ► ASL – Tell me your Age,Sex and Location ► BRB ...

Most Common Texting Abbreviations you should know

► IFSCFinancial System Code ► RTO Regional Transport Office ► ATMAutomated Teller Machine ► VAT Value Added Tax ► PIN identification number ► NOC No Objection Certificate ► PAN Permanent Account Number ► ISI Indian Standards Institute ► POA Power Of Attorney ► GPS Global Positioning System ► ...