Most Popular Internet Slangs | Common Text Abbreviations

► M/F – Are You Male or Female?

► GN – Good Night

► ASL – Tell me your Age,Sex and Location

► ASAP – As Soon As Possible

► ASL – Tell me your Age,Sex and Location

► BRB – Be Right Back

► JK – Just Kidding

► SD – Sweet Dreams

► Tnx – Thanks

► BTW – By The Way

► ROFL – Rolling on Floor Laughing

► TY – Thank You

► K – Okay

► LOL – Laugh out Loud

► FYI – For Your Information

► TTYL – Talk to you later

► LMAO – Laugh My Ass Out

► FB – Facebook

► WTF – What The F**k

► LMFAO – Laugh my f**king ass off

► GM- Good Morning

► WTH – What the hell

► sry – Sorry

► bbz – Babes

► warez – Pirated software

► LMK – Let Me Know

► zzz – Sleeping

► BFF – Best Friends Forever

► Jk – Just kidding

► B4 – Before

► L8 – Late

► p911 – parent emergency

► plz – please

These are some Acronyms/Abbreviations that you’ll come across on the Internet. As the Web continues to evolve, and more people continue to communicate, interact, and collaborate online, the lexicon of acronyms will only continue to grow.

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