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Famous Companies full form you should know!

What is the full form of BMW?

Bavarian Motor Works

What is the full form of JIO?

Joint Implementation Opportunities

What is the full form of AMUL?

Anand Milk Union Limited

What is the full form of SUV?

Sport Utility Vehicle

What is the brand name LG stands for?

Lucky Goldstar

What is the brand name IBM stands for?

International Business Machines Corporation

What is the full form of HTC?

High Tech Computer

What is the full form of FIAT?

Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino

What is the full form of JBL?

James Bullough Lansing

What is the full form of ICICI Bank?

Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India

What is the full form of HDFC Bank?

Housing Development Finance Corporation

What is the full form of ESPN?

Entertainment and Sports Programming Network

What is the full form of HP?


What is the Full form of famous tire MRF stands for?

Madras Rubber Factory

What is the Full form of famous tire CEAT stands for?

Cavi Elettrici e Affini Torino

What is the brand name WIPRO stands for?

Western India Palm Refined Oil Limited

What is the brand name INTEL stands for?

Integrated Electronics

What is the brand name CNN stands for?

Cable News Network


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